Other bookish posts, Prideathon, Readathons

Prideathon TBR

Prideathon is a Twitter-based readathon and I randomly stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago and decided to participate. The readathon will take place from September 25th (Monday) until September 30th (Saturday). I'm not sure if the end date is correct since I find it weird that it's not the full week but whatever.… Continue reading Prideathon TBR

24 Hour Readathon, Other bookish posts, Readathons

Jade’s 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-up

On Tuesday I posted my announcement/TBR post where I said I was going to participate in Jade's 24 Hour Readathon that happened yesterday. I never did a 24 hour readathon before and I've always wanted to and it turned out yesterday was the perfect day for a 24 hour readathon. So here's how I did...… Continue reading Jade’s 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-up

Biannual Bibliothon, Booktubeathon, Readathons

Readathon | Summer Biannual Bibliothon & Booktubeathon Wrap up

I decided to do both wrap-ups in one post since these readathons overlapped for 6 out of 7 days so I pretty much read the same books and would say the say thing. Therefore, no need for two separate posts, right? Before we start, I want to say I had a wonderful week and I… Continue reading Readathon | Summer Biannual Bibliothon & Booktubeathon Wrap up